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Good Time
Great 66 Points 2017

Good Time is a helluva good time movie, if your taste in movie entertainment includes sickly funny slices of life from the underbelly of society. Mine does, for better or worse, so this demented masterpiece struck me and most of my entire theater as OMG and increasingly LOL pretty much all the …

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WikChip Video No more making fun of Robert Pattison
Wonder Woman
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Miss Israel kicks ass as Wonder Woman. But that’s not all, not by a long shot. Wonder Woman is a perfect superhero movie, deeply of the genre, yet soaring above it. That puts it in the small pantheon of DC movies, deadly earnest in the DC tradition, a la The Dark Knight

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WikChip Video That's right, the women are smarter.
The Hero
Great 66 Points 2017

Sam Elliott deserves a Western-icon lifetime achievement award. Hey, that’d make a great little movie, if it included the behind-the-scenes angst of an elderly man facing his mortality, even as he’s feted by fans and groupies alike. The Hero is all that, albeit Elliott plays a less successful d…

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WikChip Video Kevin Smith interviews Sam Elliott & ...
Father Figures
Good 66 Points 2017

Father Figures gets in touch with the inner child lurking just below the surface of several grown men, making it an emblematic comedy of our infantilized time. Fortunately, it’s a pretty funny one, worth a play.

There’s one terrific scene, when an unusually confident Ed Helms picks up an unu…

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WikChip Video Bradshaw & Simmons: Father Figures
Great 17 Points 2017

Ed Harris and Jason Sudekis show high quality acting in this very well done drama about life’s journey in to the sunset. Even though the story was predictable, it accomplished its tear-jerking mission via a father/son story that pushes all the buttons.

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Daddy's Home 2
Great 83 Points 2017

The professional critics are wrong. Daddy’s Home 2 is a very funny and wickedly entertaining movie. Sure, it’s also shallow and morally repugnant, a perfectly polished expression of Hollywood Family Values. Beware and enjoy. Funny is funny, and this daddy-fest is a consistent LOL-fest. My packe…

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WikChip Video Modern dads put their foot down over ...
Perfect 66 Points 2017

Okja [Oak-ja] grabs your heart and doesn’t let go. It’s a perfect movie from shoulder to shank, as pure an experience of cinematic magic as the best of Spielberg. But Spielberg it ain’t. Bong it is — Bong Joon Ho.

The brilliant Korean auteur made Okja in 2017, four years after "Snowpiercer…

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WikChip Video Watch this after the movie.
A Bad Moms Chri...
None Yet 0 Points 2017
Free State of J...
Really Great 83 Points 2016

Newton Knight is a newly essential Matthew McConaughey role that finally knights Newt Knight as a true American hero. Even more, Free State of Jones is an only-in-America story, so corny it could only be true. A deeply moral white man frees enslaved blacks and marries a black woman during the C…

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WikChip Video CBS Sunday Morning feature on Newt Kn...
The Birth of a ...
Very Good 83 Points 2016

Why don’t slaves revolt? In the South two centuries ago, in the Warsaw ghetto during the Holocaust or even in Asia now? The Birth of a Nation helps answer that complicated question. Unfortunately the movie itself is complicated. Its creators apparently raped a woman while college students in 19…

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WikChip Image Nate Parker's movie: engaging & affec...