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Glengarry Glen ...
Great 83 Points 1992

Death of a Salesman? Death of Three Salesmen, figuratively anyway. Glengarry Glen Ross famously pits salesmen against each other in a ghoulish contest where the winner gets a Cadillac, the runner-up a set of steak knives and everyone else gets fired — the motivation of the damned.


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WikChip Image "Second Prize - a Set of Steak Knives"
Wayne's World
Really Great 66 Points 1992

The original Wayne’s World was and is a great movie. It’s been repeated and overexposed since, coming on top of originating as a popular SNL sketch featuring Wayne and his even funnier friend Garth Algar. Fortunately it recaptures more than a little of its power when you’ve been away from it…

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WikChip Video Garth Foxy Lady: Dana Carvey rocks
Ferris Bueller'...
Very Good 66 Points 1986

Fun for kids of all ages, Ferris Bueller’s harmless hi-jinks, energetic panache and gentle farce make it the ultimate ditch day movie. Matthew Broderick will be forever associated with the title character, a charming conniver prone to belting out a Beatles song in the middle of a parade.


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WikChip Video Twist and Shout Ferris
The Blues Brothers
None Yet 0 Points 1980
Harry and Tonto
Great 66 Points 1974

Art Carney reached late career nirvana as Harry the cat lover in Harry and Tonto. Tonto? His ginger tabby. I prefer gray tabbies, so kinda understand his ardor. Carney won his sole Oscar as a gray-haired Best Actor.

Paul Mazursky’s second big directorial hit after “Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice”…

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WikChip Video Art Carney peaks as Harry the cat lover.
The Sting
Perfect 66 Points 1973

Perfection: The opening music sets a movielover’s heart aflutter and The Sting just gets better from there. A Scott Joplin rag – brilliantly slowed down by Marvin Hamlisch – leads to Robert Redford and Paul Newman, reunited a mere four years after they first got together in "Butch Cassidy and t…

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WikChip Video Best Movie Music Ever
Some Like It Hot
Perfect 66 Points 1959

Some Like It Hot kicked off the Sixties with a bang. Released in ‘59, it was nominated for six Oscars at the 1960 Academy Awards, winning only for Orry-Kelly’s dresses for Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and most especially Marilyn Monroe. Speaking of Monroe, she won the 1960 Golden Globe for Best A…

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WikChip Video Curtis does Grant, Monroe does Monroe
His Girl Friday
Great 66 Points 1940

Fast talking, smartalecky comedy hit a peak with His Girl Friday. Still LOL funny today, it’s also plenty clever enough to travel through the ages as intelligent entertainment for movie lovers of any generation.

How could it not be? It stars the most versatile movie star ever in Cary Grant…

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WikChip Image Grant & Russell - made for each other
Young Mr. Lincoln
Great 66 Points 1939

Young Mr. Lincoln happily Hollywoodizes our future greatest President. It’s a funny and frequently illuminating movie. Young Henry Fonda played upstanding young men especially well, while John Ford remains one of Hollywood’s greatest directors, with Young Mr. Lincoln in the second tier of his…

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WikChip Video SPOILER: Don't mess with Abe.