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Wayne's World
Really Great 66 Points 1992

The original Wayne’s World was and is a great movie. It’s been repeated and overexposed since, coming on top of originating as a popular SNL sketch featuring Wayne and his even funnier friend Garth Algar. Fortunately it recaptures more than a little of its power when you’ve been away from it…

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WikChip Video Garth Foxy Lady: Dana Carvey rocks
Batman Returns
Great 75 Points 1992

Batman 2 endures due to Tim Burton being very Tim Burton, more than Michael Keaton being Batman or Danny DeVito being Penguin, though not more than Michelle Pfeiffer being Catwoman. Me-ow!

La magnifique Michelle purringly produced a psycho-sexual performance for the ages, a starburst that va…

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WikChip Video 25 great Catwoman quotes
Barton Fink
Great 66 Points 1991

The Coen Brothers are writers as much as directors, making Barton Fink – a satiric tribute to tortured writers and the demonic pull of Hollywood – more than a little self-reverential. Oops, did I say reverential? Referential, self-referential.

Either way, it’s one of their best movies, not…

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WikChip Video "It's the carrot that wags the dog." ...
Very Good 66 Points 1988

Lesser Tim Burton and greater Michael Keaton add up to a fitfully funny fantasy. Keaton nails the title role, a ghost-for-hire paid to chase off pesky humans. If only he were onscreen for more of the movie.

Burton achieved greater comic-horror results with Edward Scissorhands

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WikChip Image Somebody get this man a microphone.
Dirty Rotten Sc...
Very Good 17 Points 1988

DRS should be on the ‘to view’ list of anyone who appreciates old school comedy, and if you appreciate Steve Martin and haven’t seen DRS yet, you really need to put it at the top of your list soon. Steve and Michael Caine are a real hoot to watch as they unabashedly take rich women for as …

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Great 83 Points 1988

A rare kid’s comedy that also succeeds at the adult level, Big is truly a movie for the whole family. Well, for everyone from teens on up, as the adult elements include F-bombs and heavy titillation.

The kids-of-all-ages comedy comes from a 13-year-old who is magically transformed into a 32…

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WikChip Image Movie Magic: Hanks & Loggia play piano
The Naked Gun
Great 66 Points 1988

Still LOL funny after all these years, The Naked Gun’s inspired lunacy retains its comedic potency.

Leslie Nielsen’s obtuse police detective played off a rogue’s gallery of evil archetypes, from the Ayatollah and other 1988 Axis of Evil bastards, to a local crime lord, earning legendary stat…

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WikChip Video Taking down an Axis of Evil
Very Good 66 Points 1986

Perfect credits lead to a fitfully entertaining movie about some monumentally smug people in Heartburn. Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson – in his prime – lead the credits. The great Mike Nichols directs, fifteen years after directing Nicholson in the scandalous Carnal Knowledge

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WikChip Image Jack in his prime
Star Trek IV: T...
Great 66 Points 1986

Like fine wine, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home has gotten better with age. It was too cheesy when it came out, even for Star Trek, the ultimate in SciFi fondue. That was then, this is now.

It’s set in the 23rd Century and now, when Now was 1986. I remember that ’86 Now just as I remember n…

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WikChip Video Sitting in a pickup on Marina Green: ...
Very Good 5 Points 1985

Re-animator is a classic. Released in 1985 to a potential niche audience and a surprising amount of critical fanfare, the film made jeffrey combs a horror icon and made stuart gordon a “master of horror.” based upon the series of short stories “herbert west: re-animator” by HP Lovecraft, the film…

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