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Mission: Imposs...
Really Great 83 Points 2015

Best. Mission: Impossible. Ever.

Please Mr. Cruise, can we have another? Rogue Nation succeeds spectacularly well from the opening credits till the closing line, the very iconification of extremely entertaining action-movie hyper-reality.

This fifth M:I movie is the first to envelope …

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WikChip Image Great Casting: CIA Chief Alec Baldwin
Star Trek Beyond
Perfect 83 Points 2016
Bestest. Star Trek. Ever.

Star Trek Beyond never loses touch with all that made Star Trek great from its earliest incarnation, yet uses 2016 movie magic to create an Enterprise and assorted 23rd century tech-gear better than ever before.

Plus it plays the iconic opening notes of the a…

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WikChip Video "At least I won't die alone..." - Bones
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La La Land
Really Great 83 Points 2016

La La Land is everything it’s cracked up to be: romantic, brilliant, whimsical, thought provoking, so L.A. Thus, it’s a great date movie and a worthy best picture contender, the latter all the more likely after it swept the Golden Globes. Plus it reunites Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone, the Bogie …

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Get Out
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Get Out melds edgy African-American humor with classic horror movie tropes, the admixture delivered with near Hitchcockian mastery. That’s how Jordan Peele’s brilliant movie brings the Black Lives Matter sensibility to horrific life. The conceit is not that whites don’t care if blacks live or d…

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WikChip Video The multifaceted Mr. Peele
Guardians of th...
Great 83 Points 2017

Vol. 2 is a great time at the mall multiplex, if not the nearly perfect blockbuster experience that Vol. 1 was. Faint praise perhaps, but then this first sequel has nearly impossible shoes to fill, as the origin movie was so effortless in its joyous affectations. Still, a great blockbuster like t…

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WikChip Video Kurt Russell & Friend
Wonder Woman
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Miss Israel kicks ass as Wonder Woman. But that’s not all, not by a long shot. Wonder Woman is a perfect superhero movie, deeply of the genre, yet soaring above it. That puts it in the small pantheon of DC movies, deadly earnest in the DC tradition, a la The Dark Knight

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WikChip Video That's right, the women are smarter.
Sky High
Great 83 Points 2005

Sharp satire, winning performances and terrific visuals make Sky High a treat for we grownups, and high schoolers too. Turns out this treat doesn’t get stale, as revisiting it a dozen years after its premiere proved.

First of all, Sky High is a Kurt Russell movie. Disney’s greatest male le…

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WikChip Video It all becomes clear...
Kingsman: The G...
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Kingsman II is a fully-realized exercise in high style, low blows, expensive tricks and lots of big laughs. You could call it a brilliant blockbuster, in the British sense of brilliant: bright, bold, brisk, buttoned down.

  • Brilliant casting: The ensemble includes big stars old and new, with…
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WikChip Video Country Roads is a great song.
American Made
Very Good 83 Points 2017

The wages of sin are very good for Tom Cruise for a very long time in American Made, a fanciful recounting of one smuggler’s blues during the 1980s cocaine explosion. It’s a very satisfying movie, with a modicum of truth, a surfeit of crazed sexiness, and a satisfactory ending when the wages of…

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WikChip Video Great trailer lies from the start.
Thor: Ragnarok
Perfect 83 Points 2017

Marvel puts it all together for one of their very best movies yet in Thor: Ragnarok, an absolutely terrific blockbuster, and a damn funny one at that. Crayon colored, heavenly inspired, charismatically performed, deeply rooted yet easily accessible, it would be great even it weren’t a sophistic…

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WikChip Video Cool Minutiae. Beware spoiler at the ...
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":