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Zero Motivation
OK 66 Points 2014

Zero Motivation is a loafer’s view of army life, as embodied by the worst unit in the Israeli Army. Some girls just aren’t army-material, but that hardly matters in a country with universal service requirements.

Instead of F-Troop, think *G-Tr…

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WikChip Image G-Troop, IDF-style
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7 Days in Entebbe
OK 83 Points 2018

The Raid on Entebbe stands as one of the great military feats of all time. Then there’s 7 Days in Entebbe, which stumbles along as a just OK recreation of that legendary event. Leftist in orientation, this Jeff Skoll production1 tells a full story about the communist kidnappers and their radi…

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WikChip Video The movie's not nearly this good.
The Wind Rises
OK 66 Points 2013

Hard not to think of The Wind Rises as The Zero Movie, as it’s about the engineer who designed Imperial Japan’s lethal fighter – the dreaded Japanese Zero. Instead, Jirô Horikoshi gets painted in hagiographic terms in a movie nominated this year for an Oscar and a Golden Globe: Best Animate…

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WikChip Video Flights of Fancy in a Fatally Flawed ...
The Outsider
OK 17 Points 2018

A dark and violent American prisoner in 1950’s postwar japan becomes affiliated with a gang in Osaka as sort of an enforcer. The main character’s role was awkward and didn’t really make sense, and even worse, parts were almost offensive as you learned what he left behind for his new life as…

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Jiro Dreams of ...
OK 66 Points 2011

The legendary chef behind a Michelin Three Star sushi restaurant gets profiled in Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Indeed, Jiro Ono does dream of sushi, and has for most of his 85 years.

Unfortunately his BioDoc is too subtle for its own good, even given its zen subject. It also focuses as much on Ji…

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WikChip Image Jiro's Dreamy Sushi
Ip Man 2: Legen...
OK 66 Points 2010

Ip Man 2 was supposed to focus on the legendary Grandmaster’s relationship with Bruce Lee, his most famous disciple. But Lee’s descendants didn’t go along with the plan, so the movie ends up being about Ip Man’s post-war struggles to establish Wing Chun kung fu in colonial Hong Kong. The resul…

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WikChip Image Ip Man teaches Wing Chun kung fu
OK 17 Points 2016

My second watching of an unnecessary remake in the last few months, Ben Hur impressed far less than the Magnificent Seven. It just came across as another of those overly-long Roman era epic movies that nobody ever heard of until they showed up on Netflix playlists of B-side films.

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The Way Back
Good 29 Points 2011

A dramatic survival story amidst panoramic and equally dramatic scenery. The Way Back tells a tale of several men who escape the brutality of a Siberian gulag in the early 40’s to trudge their way through vast expanses of differing landscapes: a fierce Siberian winter, forests, tundra, desert,…

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Prince of Persi...
Good 83 Points 2010

Disappointing summer blockbuster, thy name is Prince of Persia. Not a complete flame-out, this video game come to the silver screen nonetheless proves convoluted, silly and forgettable. On the plus side, Jake and Gemma have charisma and more than a bit of chemistry together, the well burnishe…

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WikChip Image Gemma: Princess now, Screen Queen soon
No One Knows Ab...
Good 66 Points 2010

Rock I ran. Whoops, make that Rock Iran, as in the music of rebellion from the theocratically oppressed country threatening nuclear Armageddon. This revolutionary paradox makes Persian Cats the most important political movie of the year. A slice-of-life take on the underground rock music sce…

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WikChip Video Revolution Rock: Persian Cats trailer