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The Last King
Good 17 Points 2016

Inspired by a true story that harkens back to 1204 Norway, things were tense and back and forth fighting with Norway ruled the day. Just a sliver in time that represented a hair more sophistication than nomads fighting each other.

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13 Hours: The S...
Great 83 Points 2016

The 2012 Islamist militia attack on the two U.S. outposts in Benghazi Libya comes alive as a colossal and utterly predictable central-government failure in 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Truth!

The amazing thing is that only four men died, even if one was Ambassador Chris Stevens…

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WikChip Video Gold Star Parents react to 13 Hours
Patriots Day
Really Great 83 Points 2016

Patriots Day gets up close and personal with the Boston Marathon bombing and its aftermath. By turns moving, enraging, loving and occasionally funny, it’s an unflinching look at lone wolf terrorism and how one American city fought back against Islamism in their midst. Two previously unseen aspe…

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WikChip Video The Battle of Watertown
USS Indianapoli...
Great 17 Points 2016

Nicolas Cage stars in the remarkable story of Captain Charles Butler McVay, who commanded the USS Indianapolis during WWII in the Pacific. The Indianapolis was known for its final mission of secretly delivering components of the atomic bomb to Tinian. On its way to Guam it was torpedoed and su…

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War for the Pla...
Very Good 83 Points 2017

War is Hell — an equation that the concluding episode of Planet of the Apes hammers home relentlessly. Both sides of the war for Earth, aka the Planet of the Apes, have understandable reasons to kill The Other.

Their war is most assuredly hell, a legitimate, even perfectly justifiable hell…

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WikChip Video Smart Take
A Dog's Purpose
None Yet 0 Points 2017
Perfect 83 Points 2017

I prefer a comedy after a bad day. Logan ain’t no comedy, but it sure as hell was balm for a bad day. More Johnny Cash than Johnny Storm, it’s the first Country comik movie, yet returns to true X-Men in the end.

Marvel, wow. Keep on keeping on with one riveting, arousing blockbuster after an…

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WikChip Video Johnny Cash's "Hurt" only on the trailer
T2 Trainspotting
None Yet 0 Points 2017
The Zookeeper's...
None Yet 0 Points 2017
The Circle
None Yet 0 Points 2017