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Total Recall
None Yet 0 Points 2012
None Yet 0 Points 2003
THX 1138
OK 17 Points 1971

George Lucas’ early skill is evident in ‘THX 1138’, a 1971 vision of an Orwellian future where all facets of life are controlled by a central power via directed entertainment, drugs, and manipulative counceling. As we know, you can’t fight human nature, and Robert Duvall shows us how people try d…

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The X Files
None Yet 0 Points 1993
The World's End
None Yet 0 Points 2013
The Titan
OK 17 Points 2018

What started with a cool premise ended up plodding along and petering out with an unsatisfying conclusion. Perhaps not a total bomb, but definitely skip unless you are a sci-fi die hard.

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The Terminator
None Yet Points 1984
The Survivalist
Good 17 Points 2015

A tale of survival in a post apocalyptic world. Two women run in to a man living on his own, and what ensues is a quiet drama where human needs are basically anybody is interested in. The entire thing is almost plausible, and I was pretty drawn in and engaged for the whole movie.

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The Space Betwe...
Very Good 17 Points 2017

A great new take on the ‘humans colonize mars’ theme. The Space Between us will put a mile on your face with what is basically a good natured movie and a cute love story. Sure, the sci-fi is not all that believable, but it doesn’t detract much.

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The Signal
Good 17 Points 2014

The Signal has a 70’s Sci-Fi throwback feel with the slowly developing scenes and more concentration on character study. It does a decent job of luring you in the adventure to find ‘NOMAD’ – with just enough plausability to hit you with some unexpected twists later on. The ending is a bit of a …

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