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Shock Treatment
Great 10 Points 1981

You need a little OOHH shock treatment!! This is an unknown little movie. It just happens to be the sequel to my favorite movie of all time- The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Yep, this is the sequel, and for a bit more of fun facts, there was originally a third one planned called "Revenge of the Old…

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None Yet 0 Points 1979
None Yet 0 Points 1978
A Star Is Born
None Yet 0 Points 1976
The Rocky Horro...
Perfect 17 Points 1975

I say this a lot. But this time a mean it. This: The Rocky Horror Picture Show is my favorite movie of all time. To start, I can’t imagine how many times I’ve actually seen this movie. Maybe around 20 or 25? The reason for this is… well… there are so many reasons. First off, the music is abso…

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WikChip Image oh... ROCKY!!
The Wicker Man
None Yet 0 Points 1973
Really Great 66 Points 1972

This paean to lost licentiousness in the face of fascism won eight (8!) Oscars, losing out only on Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay (both to The Godfather for Pete’s sake). The movie that made Liza more famous for her talent than her…

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WikChip Image Sexy Brilliance.
Fiddler on the ...
None Yet 0 Points 1971
Paint Your Wagon
OK 66 Points 1969

A big budget disaster when it came out at the end of the Sixties, Paint Your Wagon is a modestly entertaining extravaganza today. Faint praise? Indeed, for a musical comedy that is long on star power and short on memorable songs and effective humor.

Oh yeah, it’s also long on time. I watc…

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WikChip Image Jean Seberg: lovely, not distinctive
None Yet 0 Points 1968