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Rolling Stones:...
Very Good 66 Points 2010

Essential viewing for fans of Exile on Main St. – the essential Stones’ album that set the tone for Seventies rock culture, grew the legend of the greatest rock & roll band in the world and now ranks as one of the greatest in rock history. The Stones had too much fun making it, as this 60 minu…

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WikChip Video Inside view of rock royalty working m...
The Discreet Ch...
Barely OK 66 Points 1972

Great title, lame movie. Perhaps the cutting edge from 1972 was bound to appear silly four decades later, but this French farce sure hasn’t aged well. Desperate to offend, it mostly baffles and boggles. Is it too late to rescind its Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film?

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Johnny Carson: ...
Great 66 Points 2012

Here’s Johnny – blessedly again – in a documentary that reveals the man behind the curtain and reminds us why we treasured him above all others in front of it. It also suggests that his position as arbiter of pop culture will never exist again. Hundreds of cable channels and the web have seen t…

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WikChip Image Everybody wanted to laugh with Johnny
Quadrophenia - ...
Great 66 Points 2012

The complete story of Quadrophenia is essential viewing for Quadropheniacs. You know who you are.

Pete Townshend takes us on an hour-plus tour through his magnum opus, the greatest of rock operas, followed by twenty minutes of Quadrophenia concert outtakes from the decades. Felt complete to …

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WikChip Video Daltrey & Townshend talk Quad in July...
Standing in the...
Perfect 66 Points 2002

Motown rocks ‘cause of the Funk Brothers: snare rhythms, funky bass, tasty guitar, everything percussive, all from the band behind Smokey and Marvin and Diana and Stevie. Need I say more? Didn’t think so.

Let’s get it on. The movie informs us right up front that the Funk Brothers "played on …

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WikChip Video More hits than the Beatles, Stones & ...
Classic Albums:...
Good 66 Points 1999

Who’s Next fans – and who’s not – will be delighted by this 50 minute documentary. More celebratory than insightful, it also suffers from a few omissions. However it’s all good when Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey and John Entwistle marvel at how their benchmark album came into existence. Long…

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WikChip Image Genius at work with his synthesizer
Very Good 66 Points 2008

We Americans are blessedly unfamiliar with the “most violent prisoner in Britain,” a nut called Charles Bronson. I’d of happily gone on that way had Tom Hardy not become an actor whose riveting performances demand that his every great role be viewed. And his feral performance as Charles Bronson…

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WikChip Image One more bystander hurt by Bronson
George Harrison...
Really Great 66 Points 2011

Essential Beatles viewing. Say no more. Say no more.

Well … here’s more.

  • A Martin Scorsese Picture, which says right there you gotta watch it. I mean Martin F’ing Scorsese making a picture about George Harrison is a fusion of two pop culture demigods.
  • It’s a treasure trove of Bea…
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WikChip Video 180 minutes of George in 2 1/2
The Man Who Lov...
OK 66 Points 1977

François Truffaut’s The Man Who Loved Women hasn’t aged well. Perhaps that happens to every Lothario. It certainly seems to happen to movies about them. Nonetheless, this famous French film carries a certain fascination given that it was created by the legendary auteur behind "the Auteur Th…

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WikChip Image The Man Who Knew Women
Very Good 66 Points 1986

Perfect credits lead to a fitfully entertaining movie about some monumentally smug people in Heartburn. Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson – in his prime – lead the credits. The great Mike Nichols directs, fifteen years after directing Nicholson in the scandalous Carnal Knowledge

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WikChip Image Jack in his prime