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Batman Returns
Great 75 Points 1992

Batman 2 endures due to Tim Burton being very Tim Burton, more than Michael Keaton being Batman or Danny DeVito being Penguin, though not more than Michelle Pfeiffer being Catwoman. Me-ow!

La magnifique Michelle purringly produced a psycho-sexual performance for the ages, a starburst that va…

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WikChip Video 25 great Catwoman quotes
Batman Begins
Great 22 Points 2005

After the mega disaster of a certain cinematic abomination known as Batman and Robin, there were quite a few rumors going ’round ’bout a new Batman movie. There was talk of Joel Schumacher helming a fifth film known as Batman Triumphant. The plot was going to involve Scarecrow(played by Howard St…

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Really Great 83 Points 2014

Brett Ratner’s Hercules is the first great Hercules movie, or at least the first great one of the past 50 years, which is long enough to be worthy of mythical status. Dwayne Johnson cuts a fine figure as the big man, backed by a platoon of British thespians and presented amid stunning vistas a…

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WikChip Image Stunning image of the Acropolis in At...
Kingsman: The G...
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Kingsman II is a fully-realized exercise in high style, low blows, expensive tricks and lots of big laughs. You could call it a brilliant blockbuster, in the British sense of brilliant: bright, bold, brisk, buttoned down.

  • Brilliant casting: The ensemble includes big stars old and new, with…
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WikChip Video Country Roads is a great song.
The King's Man
Really Great 66 Points 2021

The King’s Man was sprung on an unsuspecting world in late 2021, at once familiar and head-scratching. Why would the third Kingsman have a new cast led by Ralph Fiennes? In the event, all became clear. The King’s Man is the prequel to Kingsman I & II. Make that the ultimate prequel, _the King…

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WikChip Image Please ma'am, may I have some more?
The Avengers
Really Great 83 Points 2012

The Avengers do more than avenge. They dominate – the box office and Disney’s financial performance.

More personally, they fulfill the hopes of fanboys everywhere, including older generations who don’t even know they are fanboys. Ever love a Marvel comic? Prepare to be fulfilled, fanboy….

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WikChip Image Super irony in a superpowered suit
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Iron Man 3
Really Great 86 Points 2013

Ironic Man returns for a third iteration with his emotional suit of armor in place, humorously deflecting intimacy from friends, foes, lovers and ex-lovers. OK, not all gets deflected. There are several close calls, even a few breakdowns. Hell, there are panic attacks. Hey, it worked in the S…

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WikChip Image Primo bad guy allows an Avenger to soar
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Guardians of th...
Really Great 88 Points 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy is an overstuffed taco of a superhero movie, chockfull of countless characters, considerable whimsy and confounding story lines. The crazy-ass result approaches blockbuster perfection.

Star Trek for a New Generation? Absolutely, complete with a basso-profundo destroy…

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WikChip Video Who are the Guardians of the Galaxy?
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Avengers: Age o...
Really Great 83 Points 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron is Avengers-worthy, as proven by its $200 million opening weekend and its Marvel-ous mix of human-scale comedy-drama amidst earthshaking fantasy. It’s also studded with LOLs, and not all them from Downey. He gets plenty, but the comic relief is more broadly spread around…

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WikChip Image What's in your closet?
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
X-Men: Days of ...
Really Great 83 Points 2014

Count it, X-Men deliver again. Does Marvel ever fail? Notwithstanding several major cooks in the kitchen of this particular production and the ugly problems surrounding one of them, X-Men: Days of Future Past is yet another first rate blockbuster originating from the X-Men solar system within…

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WikChip Image The JLaw Mystique: Fanboys Rejoice
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...