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The Hundred-Foo...
Very Good 66 Points 2014

The Hundred-Foot Journey is a feel-good, foodie movie starring Helen Mirren set in provincial France. Mature date-night movie choices get no safer. Predictable as a brasserie menu, it’s equivalently satisfying.

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WikChip Image Well Put Together Woman
The Hunger Games
Great 83 Points 2012

An important but hardly perfect movie, The Hunger Games is however great enough to justify the fuss. The monster box office generated by this first installment of Suzanne Collins’ bestselling trilogy of YA novels is helping The Hunger Games and heroine Katniss Eberdeen become primary cultura…

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WikChip Image A new Screen Goddess: Healthy•Huntres...
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The Hunger Game...
Really Great 83 Points 2013

The silver screen has never seen a contemporary ideal the likes of Katniss Everdeen, male or female. Jennifer Lawrence’s rise to superstardom is wrapped up in her personification of this revolutionary hero, this secular Joan of Arc for our post-modern times. J.Law channels J.Arc to become K.E…

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WikChip Image They have relationship issues.
The Hunger Game...
Great 83 Points 2014

This time it’s war, talky-war but war indeed. The Games themselves are in the past when Part 1 of The Hunger Games finale opens. War aside, it’s as if this richly imagined and action-packed series pauses to catch its breath in its penultimate installment.

Mockingjay – Part 1 features the s…

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WikChip Image Good Guys Don't Always Wear White
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The Hunger Game...
Very Good 83 Points 2015

I’m loyal to Katniss Everdeen, so had to see the end of her story. Love can be painful and this movie was. Freighted with profound mournfulness, it’s simply too much and too long. Alas, The Hunger Games is ultimately high-toned YA, notwithstanding its often brilliant political grandstanding. Th…

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WikChip Image Love Hurts, Sweet Katniss
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Ice Storm
None Yet 0 Points 1997
The Jungle Book
Great 17 Points 2016

Now that my kids are grown, I don’t see many Disney movies, never mind re-makes of classics. In this case, I’m glad I decided to heed my whimsical choice. The Jungle Book was really well done, and John Favreau’s use of famous actors’ voices was spectacular. My favorite? Christopher Walkin as Kin…

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The Kite Runner
Perfect 116 Points 2007

Devastatingly good story, achingly well performed, The Kite Runner – a must see movie and among the best of a very good year – illuminates one of the most important cultures of our time. Not light fare, though wonderfully joyous in stretches, The Kite Runner serves as the perfect set-up for "Char…

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WikChip Image Junior Sultans of Kabul
The Last of the...
Great 66 Points 1992

The Last of the Mohicans was a benchmark in ’92. It still packs an action wallop, delivers a romantic jolt and provides a lens into the development of the American character, notwithstanding its historical liberties.

This cinematically big movie features a perfect man who engages in a perfe…

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WikChip Image Last Mohican: Russell Means' Chingach...
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The Last Station
Really Great 83 Points 2009

Celebrity, genius, marital complexity and misguided idealism collide in this loose recreation of Leo Tolstoy’s last year on earth. A resplendent movie – Helen Mirren’s performance and costumes alone are worth the price of admission – The Last Station doesn’t require the viewer to know that Cou…

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WikChip Image Sofya seduced her husband time & again.
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