The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

  • Trust Weighted Very Good
  • 94 Trust Points

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By Trust Created Summary Acting Film Edge Reality
TRUST WEIGHTED Very Good Good Very Good Horrid Glib
AVERAGE Very Good Very Good Very Good Horrid Glib
Good 3.0

American remakes of foreign movies work best when they're moved to America. Otherwise they can seem phony, which is th…

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Good 3.0

Rooney Mara goes all in as Lizbeth Salander, and does OK. Nothing to be ashamed of. The girl with the ultimate NFL na…

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Good 3.0

David Fincher is a great stylist with a talent for spinning sordid tales. However, his film fails to measure up to Nie…

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Horrid 3.6

Oddly, Fincher's version is more exploitative though less edgy than "the original":…

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Glib 1.5
Very Good 3.5

In this gritty, dreary but fast paced remake, Daniel Craig is a disgraced journalist who gets a gig searching for a wea…

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Good 3.0

Daniel Craig is a good fit for the focused Mikael Blomkvist. Dedicated to an outcome despite opportunities to take an e…

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Very Good 3.5

I didn’t compare to the original – which I never made it through. At face value, I think it is a great job at capturi…

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Horrid 4.2

Two rape scenes: guy gets girl, and girl gets guy back. The latter makes swallowing the former very slightly easier.

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Surreal 2.1
Really Great 4.5

The trailer for this movie did not do it justice!! After seeing the trailer, I did not want to see this movie. I went o…

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Perfect 5.0

Excellent. James Bond (lol jk, Daniel Craig) was great, as always.

Rooney Mara (Lisbeth) = breath of fresh air!! I …

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Really Great 4.5

Very nicely put together. Context for the story is provided very early on from the very beginning, and from then on, yo…

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Horrid 3.8

Wouldn't bring the kids to this one lol…. definitely an adult movie.

Lots of drinking, smoking, sex, violence… …

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Surreal 2.1


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Jan 15, 2012 10:56AM

Regarding Wick’s Review
Good point, Randy. I probably would have rated it higher, though the phoniness of an English language movie set in Sweden probably would have still rankled.

Jan 15, 2012 10:19AM

Regarding Wick’s Review
Very nice review, Wick. A lot of this review is based off of a comparison to the original Swedish flick. I wonder if and how your opinions may have differed if you had seen Fincher’s “Girl” before the Swedish original, as was the case with me.


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Wick January 21, 2012 03:19

OK, so the Swedes are done with theirs. Now we have "David Fincher's Hollywood version…

Very Good 73 Points 0 Replies