Created Jan 04, 2008 04:24PM PST • Edited Jan 04, 2008 04:24PM PST
Perfect 5.0
Juno (Page) is a 16-year old, very easy going girl. She doesn’t care much about her appearance but loves old rock music and gory horror films. Juno is close friends with Olivia (Thirlby), a cheerleader, who has a thing for just about every teacher. Juno’s best friend though is Pauly Bleeker (Cera). He is very much like her and has had a crush on her for quite some time. One night, Juno decides to have sex with him. This leads to an unwanted teenage pregnancy though. Her first reaction is to get an abortion. She is even in the clinic ready to do it. Something comes over Juno though and she backs out. She is smart enough to realize that she is not ready to become a mother. So Juno decides adoption is the best solution. She wants to make sure she is leaving her baby in good hands though. Once she finds Vanessa (Garner) and Mark (Bateman) Loring, she feels like she is doing the right thing. Vanessa is a very nice and caring woman who desperately wants a child and it is clear she would do everything she could to be a great mother. Mark quickly grows on Juno as well. He is in to rock music and intense horror slashers like she is. They even become friends exchanging music, watching movies, and even playing together on guitars.
Perfect 5.0
After an intense performance in Hard Candy, Ellen Page tackles another very interesting character in Juno. She has the perfect charisma for her role; laid back, spunky, inventive, and very funny. Michael Cera is maybe even more laid back as the shy and somewhat awkward father of Juno’s baby. He is extremely likeable and seems like a very fitting match to Juno. Juno’s other good friend played by Olivia Thirlby, was more of one of the popular kids. Although her and Juno had some differences that didn’t matter, which is good to see in a movie where so many of the teenagers are like a mindless heard. Jennifer Garner does great in her supporting role. She seems very genuine and although she seems to have some controlling tendencies to her husband, you really care for her. Towards the end there are sentimental parts as Juno is giving up her baby, still more than anything you know Garner’s character would make an amazing mother. At first Jason Bateman is hard to read. As Juno gets to know and love him so do we. We realize the awkward vibe put out at first was just because there were clearly some problems between him and his wife. Allison Janney does a great job as Juno‘s stepmother, which is no surprise. She is a fine actress and shows tough but real love here. Of course the situation she is in with Juno is not good. There are arguments because of this, but she would stick up for her in a heartbeat. J. K. Simmons plays Juno’s father very well. He has a similar approach to things as his wife. He is really mortified by the situation but knows that giving it up for adoption was a good choice. He looks out for Juno and is there for her through the whole thing. And I can’t forget Rainn Wilson’s short but sweet cameo. He is the cashier when Juno buys her third pregnancy test. He fights with her about what they both know is the inevitable. He is hilarious and it would have been great to have him on the screen longer.
Male Stars Perfect 5.0
Female Stars Perfect 5.0
Female Costars Perfect 5.0
Male Costars Perfect 5.0
Really Great 4.5
Juno is a unique film about teenage pregnancy. It doesn’t condone them, but it acknowledges that it does happen. The film is very artistic with sequences of animated version of the characters and songs that seem to perfectly represent Juno. Also it uses art as the way the characters connect to one another. The script was wonderfully perfected by Diablo Cody. It is quick and witty with very colorful language. It brings out each character and shows them for who they are.
Direction Really Great 4.5
Play Really Great 4.5
Music Really Great 4.5
Visuals Really Great 4.5
Sordid 3.0
Juno and Bleaker are breifly shown having sex looking back in to the past. The edge is displayed through the dialogue more than anything. Nothing that explicit is said, but many of the characters aren’t shy about what they say or how they say it.
Sex Erotic 3.0
Violence Brutal 3.0
Rudeness Profane 3.0
Natural 1.0
Juno is 100%, that is one of the best things about the film. Teenage pregnancies are more common today than ever. It shows the hardships of being a teenager with the pregnancy and also things like dealing with people constantly judging you, and figuring out love. It is also heartwarming and very wise. It explores the value of friendship and that it can come in many different ways. Juno becomes friends with the future father of her child and she doesn’t see why there should be a problem with that. She is also friends with the popular cheerleader because they get each other. Juno also realizes that a best friend is going to be the one that is going to be there for you for everything that happens even if you don’t tell them, they will know by instinct. Even more so though, Juno is about maturity and accepting responsibility but it serves a second chance for everyone. Vanessa gets a second chance at being a mother, Mark gets a second chance at happiness, Juno and Bleeker get another chance as a couple as well as a second run at their youth and getting all they can out of life.
Circumstantial Natural 1.0
Biological Natural 1.0
Physical Natural 1.0
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