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peadwen's Review

Created Dec 13, 2007 06:53AM PST • Edited Dec 13, 2007 06:53AM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Really Great 4.5
  3. Really Great 4.5

    Suprisingly good acting on the part of Matthew McConaughey and Christian Bale considering niether of them, as far as I know, have been in a movie as hard core SciFiFantasy as this one.

  4. Male Stars Really Great 4.5
  5. Female Stars Really Great 4.5
  6. Female Costars Really Great 4.5
  7. Male Costars Really Great 4.5
  8. Perfect 5.0
  9. Direction Perfect 5.0
  10. Play Perfect 5.0
  11. Music Perfect 5.0
  12. Visuals Perfect 5.0

    The visuals in this movie were great, they werent over the top, very subdued, muted. The CGI dragons didnt take over the film they added to it.

  13. Content
  14. Risqué 2.0

    The only reason I give this movie the score I did on the edge is because of the mass slaughter of the soldiers by the dragon, other than that it isnt all that violent. there are hints of violence, even one scene where the two main male characters have a fist fight but other than that it’s quite tame in my opinion.

  15. Sex Innocent 1.2
  16. Violence Brutal 3.0
  17. Rudeness Salty 1.8
  18. Fantasy 5.0

    Pure fantasy, not that something like this couldnt happen. I.E. a species which totally destroys the world…

  19. Circumstantial Fantasy 5.0
  20. Biological Fantasy 5.0
  21. Physical Fantasy 5.0


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