Created May 26, 2012 01:53PM PST • Edited May 26, 2012 01:53PM PST
Great 4.0
MMA makes boxing look like a pansy sport, and Warrior makes many boxing movies look the same way. Troubled ex marine Tom (Tom Hardy) returns home to ask his recovering alcoholic dad (Nick Nolte) to help him win big in MMA. What would have been a straightforward sports action story is turned into a drama because estranged brother Brendan (Joel Edgerton) can’t make it as a teacher, so guess what — he wants to go back to his fighting as well. Angry and sullen Tom, focused and persistent Brendan – what a great match up. Warrior exploits some great action, good drama, and solid acting for some sure-fire entertainment.
Very Good 3.5
Nick Nolte – everybody’s favorite drunk is even better as a recovering alcoholic. Just the right beefy demeanor to be great in the fighter’s mentor role.
Tom Hardy – New age Stalone. Muscle man and rough around the edges. Just right for the role.
Joel Edgerton – Mr Family guy – isn’t as natural a fit for the fighting dude role as his movie-brother Tom, but does a decent job nonetheless.
Jennifer Morrison – cutie wife shows just the right level of support.
Kevin Dunn – Principal Zito – solid as ever.
Male Stars Very Good 3.5
Female Stars Very Good 3.5
Female Costars Very Good 3.5
Male Costars Very Good 3.5
Great 4.0
The movie takes its time with the personal back-stories – showing how the brothers are both good guys. Brendan just trying to make ends meet and Tommy looking after his fallen marine buddy’s family. This pays off in spades as it turns what might have been a run of the mill sports story into a top notch drama as well.
Direction Great 4.0
Play Great 4.0
Music Great 4.0
Visuals Great 4.0
Risqué 1.8
Sex Titillating 1.7
Violence Fierce 2.0
Rudeness Salty 1.7
Glib 1.8
Circumstantial Glib 1.8
Biological Glib 1.8
Physical Glib 1.8
Sep 11, 2011 1:35AM
Regarding moviegod300’s Review |
- BrianSez
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