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moviegod300's Review

Created Sep 19, 2011 02:17PM PST • Edited Sep 19, 2011 02:17PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Perfect 5.0

    The story to Hesher just feels real to life its basically about a kid who recently lost his mother and his family is not doing so well until he meets Hesher played by Joseph Gordon Levitt and develops a rather strange friendship and he ends up making the kid TJ get in trouble a lot.

  3. Perfect 5.0

    Every one is great in this ok Joseph Gordon Levitt is fantastic in this usually when you see him in movies hes the nice guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly but in this one hes manages to show his dark side and I think he manages to do that very well. The new kid Devin Brochu is also very good as you really feel for him because the kid has so much grief to go through. But there is one actor that steals the whole show………. That is Rainn Wilson! Thats right Dwight from The Office OK you usually see Rainn Wilson as the funny guy in movies but in this one he shows his true depressing side and he shows that side SO WELL! You feel for this guy so much I seriously thought Id never see Rainn Wilson like this.

  4. Male Stars Perfect 5.0
  5. Female Stars Perfect 5.0
  6. Female Costars Perfect 5.0
  7. Male Costars Perfect 5.0
  8. Really Great 4.5

    This film is fantastic in general Spencer Susser does an excellent job directing this as he manages to make this film look realistic. Also the writing in this film is also very good as each actor says their lines perfectly. My only problem was it was a little to dark but I really didnt care.

  9. Direction Really Great 4.5
  10. Play Really Great 4.5
  11. Music Really Great 4.5
  12. Visuals Really Great 4.5
  13. Content
  14. Horrid 3.7
  15. Sex Lewd 4.0

    their is a poster of a naked woman shown, Hesher is caught watching Porn, there is a sex scene between Joseph Gordon Levitt and Natalie Portman.

  16. Violence Savage 4.0

    There is a scene where a kid threatens to cut off another kids toes if he didnt tell him something, Heshers cuts a peice of a kids nose off with pliers, In one scene glass shatters everywhere and TJ gets cut

  17. Rudeness Profane 3.0

    everything rude I mentioned is in the violence and sex section

  18. Natural 1.0

    This movie is about as real as it can get thats all im gonna say

  19. Circumstantial Natural 1.0
  20. Biological Natural 1.0
  21. Physical Natural 1.0


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