Created Jun 22, 2011 04:59PM PST • Edited Jun 22, 2011 04:59PM PST
Really Great 4.5
Real-life terrorism captured in this kick-ass mini-series that follows the Venezuelan revelutionary Ilich Ramirez Sanchez (AKA “Carlosâ€). It is easy to forget how much espionage and terrorism was going on in the 70’s, and this series captures the pinnacle of it all. Japanese Red Army, German revolutionary factions, Stazi, CIA, PLO, Qaddafi, the Syrians, Russia, and more all wrapped up in this whirlwind of politics and terrorism. And Carlos himself…. cool, yet clearly passionate, he hops the globe effortlessly switching between French, English, German, Arabic, and Spanish , ruthlessly carrying out his mission. In one of the quotes he instructs: “Anyone who resists… will be executed, anyone who panics…. Will be executed. Anyone who refuses my orders… will be executed†… and he meant what he said. In addition to being about Carlos the person, this movie is just as much about the games between the cold-war powers over the middle-east conflict. When the Berlin wall fell, and the cold war ended, Carlos was no longer welcomed by his terrorist harboring friends in Hungary, Syria, and Libya, and his life changed to that of fugitive, arms-trader, and teacher of young terrorists-in-the-making. Fascinating indeed.
Great 4.0
Edgar Ramirez is great as Carlos. Incredibly masculine and passionate, ruthless and dedicated. Completely convincing. His supporting cast each deserves a mention – they were all fantastic. Especially Nora von Waldstättenas as the equally passionate Magdalena.
Male Stars Great 4.0
Female Stars Great 4.0
Female Costars Great 4.0
Male Costars Great 4.0
Really Great 4.5
Not much more to add here. Go see the film!
Direction Really Great 4.5
Play Really Great 4.5
Music Really Great 4.5
Visuals Really Great 4.5
Sordid 3.4
Lots of full frontal nudity; male and female…. and yes, although there isn’t much in the way of blood squirting, the violence was real and present throughout the film.
Sex Erotic 3.4
Violence Brutal 3.4
Rudeness Profane 3.4
Natural 1.0
You can’t make up stories like this.
Circumstantial Natural 1.0
Biological Natural 1.0
Physical Natural 1.0
Jun 23, 2011 9:34AM
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