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BrianSez's Review

Created Aug 06, 2010 10:20PM PST • Edited Aug 06, 2010 10:20PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. OK 2.5

    A movie that tries to make a political statement via fast paced war action infused with spy vs spy espionage thriller. While fun to watch and very entertaining to the war/action/thriller crowd, the story itself comes across a bit contrived for the setting. We all know that something is amiss in the story behind Iraq, but the way the Green Zone goes about giving us a perspective on that is a bit askew. So, watch it for the shoot-em-up action, but don’t frustrate yourself by thinking about things too deeply

  3. Very Good 3.5

    The story centers around Matt Damon – who pretty much does his Bourne shtick – which works for the most part – except Bourne would make a lousy Marine, as does Warrant Officer Roy Miller. Not Damon’s fault though – that falls squarely on the writers.

  4. Male Stars Very Good 3.5
  5. Female Stars Very Good 3.5
  6. Female Costars Very Good 3.5
  7. Male Costars Very Good 3.5
  8. OK 2.5

    The filming itself is on par with many of the good action/war/thriller flicks. My biggest beef with the film is having a hoo-ra Marine blow off his mission to go rogue and basically do whatever the hell he wants to get to the truth. A spy – sure, but a Marine? No way. Marines follow orders, and that’s that. This should have been about a CIA operative, not a soldier.

  9. Direction OK 2.5
  10. Play OK 2.5
  11. Music OK 2.5
  12. Visuals OK 2.5
  13. Content
  14. Risqué 2.0
  15. Sex Titillating 2.0
  16. Violence Fierce 2.0
  17. Rudeness Salty 2.0
  18. Surreal 2.5
  19. Circumstantial Surreal 2.5
  20. Biological Surreal 2.5
  21. Physical Surreal 2.5


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