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BrianSez's Review

Created Jul 06, 2009 06:56PM PST • Edited Jul 06, 2009 06:56PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Very Good 3.5

    This movie came recommended as a must-see — and I wasn’t dissappointed. I think of Deliverance now as a 70’s classic horror/drama/adventure film that must have broken some significant ground in its day — with a surrealistic horror that is also a almost believable tale of what happens when mostly well meaning city dwellers embark on an adventure in the backwoods rivers in Tennessee where there are a few too many, well, inhabitants that are just a little “off.”

  3. Very Good 3.5

    I was torn on this rating. The exuberance exhibited by Voght, Reynolds, Beatty, and Cox outweighed some of the weirdness of how people behaved in the 70’s (did I live through that era?). Reynolds comes across a little to cocky, but then again — it was signature Reynolds. Voight has a seriousness and flair for drama that is hard to match to this day. Beatty goes through some scenes I hope he was paid very handsomely for.

  4. Male Stars Very Good 3.5
  5. Female Stars Very Good 3.5
  6. Female Costars Very Good 3.5
  7. Male Costars Very Good 3.5
  8. Great 4.0

    Well done! Unlike many horor/thriller movies, this actually is almost believable. Ignoring the negative views of backwoods inhabitants, the film puts together a plausible theory of just what might happen if you venture off where you shouldnt. Great scnenery, and I’ll be darned if I didn’t just discover the best rendition (on the soundtrack) of “dueling banjo’s” ever heard.

  9. Direction Great 4.0
  10. Play Great 4.0
  11. Music Great 4.0
  12. Visuals Great 4.0
  13. Content
  14. Horrid 4.0
  15. Sex Lewd 4.0

    Some very lewd sex acts — rare for a 70’s movie.

  16. Violence Savage 4.0
  17. Rudeness Nasty 4.0
  18. Surreal 2.5
  19. Circumstantial Surreal 2.5
  20. Biological Surreal 2.5
  21. Physical Surreal 2.5


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