Created May 23, 2009 09:48PM PST • Edited May 23, 2009 09:53PM PST
Perfect 5.0
This movie is based on the struggles that are going on in Juarez, Mexico. A young reporter named Lauren Adrian is sent to Mexico to get a story about some missing women that have been found raped and buried. There has only been one surviver (she had to crawl out of her own grave and walk to the nearest help), and Lauren is going to do all she can to tell her story and to find the men that hurt the girl. With the help from Alfonso Diaz, Teresa Casillas, and the surviver Eva Jimenez, they go deeper than anyone to crack the case that everyone else is so closed minded to crack.
Really Great 4.5
Jennifer Lopez- Lauren Adrian – She plays a journalist from the U.S. that was sent to investigate the rape and murders of Mexican workers. Jennifer really showed how a reporter would stop at nothing for the truth. Her character really pulled you into the film and made you want to see what other crazy ideas she was going to come up with.
Antonio Banderas- Alfonso Diaz – He plays a reporter in Juarez, that tries to keep Lauren under control. I really love how Antonio presented himself as not only a journalist but friend and, at best, protector. He tries to show truth in everything that he can, but because the Mexican government is always threatening to shut him down, he has to be careful in what he prints.
Martin Sheen- George Morgan – His character is Lauren’s editor and the one that sent her to Mexico to uncover the truth about what was happening to these women. Martin shows Dedication to his work, but also shows immense cowardice when it comes to protecting his journalist in another country, especially when the U.S. government is involved.
Maya Zapata- Eva Jimenez- She is the survivor of rape and being buried alive when persumed dead. Maya shows much promise after this film released, she was captivating and I was extremely impressed by her performance.
Sonia Braga- Teresa Casillas – She is a woman that Lauren wanted to interview and wound up asking her for help. Sonia put on a great performance and showed the audience that even if there is doubt, there is still help available.
Male Stars Really Great 4.5
Female Stars Really Great 4.5
Female Costars Really Great 4.5
Male Costars Really Great 4.5
Perfect 5.0
The people, the scenry, the places themselves were all amazing. You really feel like you are a part of what’s going on. Whomever thought to write this story for the world to see, really had a look into the eys of the Devil himself. You experianced Lauren’s flashbacks and Eva’s fear, your heart really goes out to the families that have lossed. The connection that they have with the audience was astounding.
Direction Perfect 5.0
Play Perfect 5.0
Music Perfect 5.0
Visuals Perfect 5.0
Sordid 3.1
A rape scene, men beating on women, women being found buried by their loved ones, a girl crawling out of her own grave, a shooting and if that’s not violent for you, I don’t know what is. The government closing cases because it would be cheaper than to solve or protect the victims, that to me just amazed me on how that’s actually going on in the world. Just a mass cover-up and it’s still going on, the murders included. The rich not caring about anything else around them but how to fill their pockets up, using the U.S. government’s help at that. -
Sex Titillating 2.3
Violence Brutal 3.2
Rudeness Nasty 3.9
Natural 1.0
This film is based on a true story, that should be enough to make the connection. But the story itself, the woman that they are basing this movie on, she survived and is one of very few, how many more will be sacrificed before anything will be done?
Circumstantial Natural 1.0
Biological Natural 1.0
Physical Natural 1.0
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- Demona
- 8 Trust Points
- 47 Reviews
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Really Great |
This film is more for the guys, but being that I'm a guy'... |
Great |
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Perfect |
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Barely OK |
This is a film that should've had more thought gone into ... |