Created Dec 07, 2008 12:18AM PST • Edited Dec 07, 2008 12:18AM PST
OK 2.5
The plus point to “Hancock” really is just Will Smith, the only reason to watch it. If only the first half of it had been better than the second, it could well have been a more interesting and intelligent addition to the superhero genre. As it is, Hancock says it best when he proclaims “Do I look like I care what people think?†Because the film gives the impression that it didn’t, and that’s where it fails.
OK 2.5
It’s alright, but the plot sidelines what little acting skill is displayed here. Smith is the best thing about this film, and it needed much more of him.
Male Stars Good 3.0
Hancock himself, and his hilarious forays into saving lives and stopping crime, are really good to watch, just because it’s Will Smith, and because the effects (and the scenes themselves) are excellent, as well as comical. A scene in a prison hall, whilst hugely immature, is just one of these moments, and the aftermath of two of Hancock’s early rescues are also brilliant (think derailed trains and commuters venting at a carefree Hancock). It’s a shame that we don’t see more, as an accidental or useless superhero is more fun to watch here than a serious and perfect one, such as Superman, has ever been.
Female Stars Barely OK 2.0
Embrey’s wife Mary, played by Charlize Theron, injects some femininity into the film, but she doesn’t have much to do until the latter part of the film, which is where I really found fault with Hancock.
Female Costars Barely OK 2.0
None of note – score adjusted accordingly.
Male Costars Good 3.0
Bateman is really good in the role, playing a real nice-guy who sees the best in everyone, and is a public relations worker with a heart – a fantasy itself! But that’s just it, in that he’s too nice. You feel awfully for him throughout as his trusting nature presents itself as misplaced in more than one area of his life.
Barely OK 2.0
With Peter Berg (who directed Jamie Foxx’s “The Kingdom in 2006), Smith enters into the risky but profitable world of superhero films, and aims to create a new, unique take on the genre, and whilst many aspects of ‘Hancock’ are quite interesting and independent of the superhero craze, the storyline’s shocking shift halfway through, coupled with a very short running time, make the film seem a shadow of what it aspired to be, and make it a Will Smith film that could have been better, and doesn’t live up to its initial promise.
Direction OK 2.5
The film is well-directed by Berg, who seems to know how to shoot good action scenes, but his constant use of extreme, rotating close-up shots are almost comical after the first time, and reminded me all too much of Michael Bay, which to me is not good (though to others it may well be: I can’t take more than one slow-motion spin shot of a character in a Bay film before I break out into laughter). I think that the idea for this film could really have been something special and different towards the superhero film, which is getting quite tired now. However, the film loses a lot of its edge at the halfway point, and becomes more serious, after having set out to be a comical movie and its total confusion at this point makes it less engaging to watch.
Play Barely OK 2.0
Terrible in places, hilarious in others. Smith gets the best lines, but when exposition calls, the film slows to a crashing halt and the dialogue truly reflects that.
Music Pretty Bad 1.5
Anonymous completely; with the exception of some clever use of Ludacris, there’s nothing of note.
Visuals OK 2.5
The effects are alright, but nothing special at all. It’s a shame, as I guess there wasn’t so much attention paid to the effects, and there should have been, as there are some amazing images here that just scream “FAKE”.
Risqué 2.2
For a Will Smith movie, there’s a surprising amount of swearing. The violence is bloodless, and there’s no sex at all.
Sex Innocent 1.0
Violence Fierce 2.5
Rudeness Profane 3.0
Fantasy 5.0
Totally fantastical, in every way. Superheroes are not realistic, even if they are bums like Hancock!
Circumstantial Fantasy 5.0
Biological Fantasy 5.0
Physical Fantasy 5.0
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