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BrianSez's Review

Created Sep 01, 2008 03:22PM PST • Edited Sep 01, 2008 03:22PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Great 4.0

    “They don’t make movies like this any more”, as my dad would say. This is much more a character study than it is a movie about pool. Newman is “Fast Eddie”, a rambling pool shark who is pitted against “Minesota Fats” (Jackie Gleason), and side-kicked with the straight-up gambler “Bert” played by George C Scott. The acting is top notch, due in no small part to the writing that fills the dialog with quotables all throughout. Newman is paired up with “Sarah” (Piper Laurie), who is a lonely alcoholic. This pair, when mixed in with the gambling/pool-playing life of Eddie highlights the full picture of such a “loser” lifestyle. Sarah seems to know better, but the magnetism between losers is hard to break. George C Scott adds a key dynamic to the movie and represents the seamy underbelly of the gambling world that keeps Eddie and Sarah chained to the ground. Ultimately Eddie finds a way to break free. This was an awesome movie.

  3. Really Great 4.5
  4. Male Stars Really Great 4.5
  5. Female Stars Really Great 4.5
  6. Female Costars Really Great 4.5
  7. Male Costars Really Great 4.5
  8. Very Good 3.5
  9. Direction Very Good 3.5
  10. Play Very Good 3.5
  11. Music Very Good 3.5
  12. Visuals Very Good 3.5
  13. Content
  14. Risqué 1.6
  15. Sex Titillating 1.6
  16. Violence Fierce 1.6
  17. Rudeness Salty 1.6
  18. Glib 1.8
  19. Circumstantial Glib 1.8
  20. Biological Glib 1.8
  21. Physical Glib 1.8


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