Created Jun 15, 2008 02:57AM PST • Edited Jun 15, 2008 02:57AM PST
Awful 0.0
Alright i have One Missed Call or like it should have been called One Missed Plot Cause this movie makes barely any sense what so ever. It pisses me off when you see almost the same thing as a superior horror movie (The Ring) with the same PG-13 rating(obviously i was kidding about the G rating) done not just bad but terribly. -
Bad 1.0
Ed Burns was ok…….yeah thats all i have to say about this
Male Stars OK 2.5
Female Stars Bad 1.0
Female Costars Awful 0.0
Male Costars Pretty Awful 0.5
Awful 0.0
The whole movie looks like it was shot right out of the PG-13 horror movie generator machine. You have the creepy little girl, You have the creepy little girls bad past, you have the detective, you have the dumb girl, you have the smart girl, you have the dumb and slutty girl, and you have something to do with recent technology.
Direction Awful 0.0
Play Awful 0.0
Music Awful 0.0
Visuals Awful 0.0
Tame 1.0
I swear if i could put a zero on this it would be there as fast as lightning.
Sex Innocent 1.0
Violence Gentle 1.0
Rudeness Polite 1.0
Fantasy 5.0
Another one where i cant put a frickin zero. Actually really this is the only 5 (besides .5) it will get from me. And thats not a good thing either.
Circumstantial Fantasy 5.0
Biological Fantasy 5.0
Physical Fantasy 5.0
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