Created Jun 15, 2008 02:44AM PST • Edited Jun 15, 2008 02:44AM PST
Great 4.0
Not really what i was expecting but if you are a really big indy fan, or even if you want to just have fun then i recommend seeing the film. But if you haven’t seen the other ones then find them some where and watch those first.
Perfect 5.0
Harrison Ford as Indy once again was fantastic and Shia Labeouf and Ray Winstone did a pretty good job as the side kicks to Dr. Jones.
Male Stars Perfect 5.0
Female Stars Perfect 5.0
Female Costars Perfect 5.0
Male Costars Perfect 5.0
Perfect 5.0
Fantastic, from the first time Indy says something, to the first time you hear the theme song, also to when you see Indy just starring up at a Mushroom cloud. The Quality was fantastic.
Direction Perfect 5.0
Play Perfect 5.0
Music Perfect 5.0
Visuals Perfect 5.0
Tame 1.2
There is nothing. No heart ripping this time people….Sorry!!!
Sex Innocent 1.0
Violence Gentle 1.5
Rudeness Polite 1.0
Surreal 2.5
I’m saying only half way really. I know you guys probably think that its really fake. It has aliens and magnetic skulls and Shia Labeouf and all that. But really it was more realistic then the other 3 movies. I mean come on, The Ark of The Covenant, and The Holy Frickin Grail. At least aliens could be a possibility since we really don’t know whats out there
Circumstantial Surreal 2.5
Biological Surreal 2.5
Physical Surreal 2.5
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