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Edward Scissorhands

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Talk about: Edward Scissorhands

MJ5K 135 post(s)

Regarding Wick’s Review
Excellent review, Wick. A well deserved perfect, as well. Films like this and “Ed Wood” truely echo a time in which Tim Burton was a very talented filmmaker. Its a shame he doesn’t make original films like this and instead sells out and keeps coming out with remake after remake. I always enjoy watching this one so it can still give me a concept of a time where Burton was a real visionary.

Wick Administrator 329 post(s)

Regarding Wick’s Review
Thanks MJ. I don’t know if Burton’s sold out or not. He’s always done super big budget movies, just that very few turned out as perfectly as this one, which came at the end of a remarkable three year run. He did Batman the year before Sissorhands and Beetle Juice the year before that. We’re talking one hell of a streak!

Brings to mind the Stones from ’68 to ’72: Beggars Banquet followed by Let It Bleed and then Sticky Fingers and finally Exile on Main St.

Nobody maintains that pace for long.

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