Created Jul 12, 2014 02:03PM PST • Edited Jul 12, 2014 02:03PM PST
Really Great 4.5
The resurgence of the Planet of the Apex redux continues with Dawn. The movie feeds on the thick tension between the growing throngs of apes and human survivors. Tension so thick, its as thick as the fog around the Golden Gate bridge that separates them. Besides enthrallment with the ape mass, the identification with the scared humans, and the well done cinematics of ape-on-ape and ape-on-human ass kicking – the story ultimately re-identifies with its old-school roots of tugging at sensibilities and heart-strings. Yes, ape and human should be brothers, but stupidity and war-mongering abound on both sides. Sound familiar? Yeah, of course it does. We see it every day in the news. Anyway, Dawn is a really great crowd pleaser; a fine summer-blockbuster; a worthy continuation of the ape dynasty.
Great 4.0
Andy Serkis is a great Ceasar, but is Caesar a little too muted? He doesn’t quite keep up with the prowess of Tony Kebbell’s Koba. On the human side of things, Jason Clarke does admirably, but Gary Oldman shows a touch more passion.
Male Stars Great 4.0
Female Stars Great 4.0
Female Costars Great 4.0
Male Costars Great 4.0
Really Great 4.5
Apes on horses are made to look believable; Heck apes with guns who are just beginning to become good talkers is believable. Good job.
Direction Really Great 4.5
Play Really Great 4.5
Music Really Great 4.5
Visuals Really Great 4.5
Risqué 2.5
Sex Titillating 2.5
Violence Fierce 2.5
Rudeness Salty 2.5
Supernatural 3.7
Circumstantial Supernatural 3.7
Biological Supernatural 3.7
Physical Supernatural 3.7
Jul 12, 2014 2:09PM
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