Created Oct 25, 2011 02:53PM PST • Edited Oct 25, 2011 02:53PM PST
Great 4.0
Taught drama swirls around the political campaign of Democratic Presidential hopeful Mike Morris (George Clooney), who’s campaign managers (played by Ryan Gosling and Philip Seymour Hoffman) must carefully manage their candidate through a tough primary, and even tougher scandals that threaten the campaign.
The tension is palpable, as the campaign needs to find every angle, every vote, and every endorsement it can to beat the opponent, whose crafty campaign manager (Paul Giammatti) plots to defeat the Morris campaign, and win the party nomination. But far beyond the mesmerizing political maneuverings are stories of ethics and honor that challenge the very foundation the candidates campaign on. Sound bites, interviews and debates that are all designed to portray the candidates as honest and genuine, are instead carefully scripted, playing to the voting audiences whims.
And behind all this are the egos, desires, fears, and values of the men and women who craft these campaigns. A wise woman once pointed out to me when I was working as a lobbyist, that our government is run by a bunch of twenty year olds. Nobody gets to see the officials unless that intern at the front door lets you in, and the officials themselves rely on interns and advisers to help them craft positions and statements that will generate the most support. In The Ides of March we become witness to the desires and shortcomings of some of those “worker bees”.
This was a great movie to see, with an all-star cast that did not disappoint.
Great 4.0
With a cast as strong as this one, it’s not easy for all the players to get a chance to shine. Yet this movie pulls it off, allowing each talent to come through without any one of them drowning the others out.
Male Stars Great 4.0
Ryan Gosling is rock solid in his role as the second in command manager. He accurately delivers his desire to believe in his candidate, and manages raw emotion when needed as the drama unfolds.
George Clooney Directs, co-writes, produces, co-stars, and does everything in between without going over-the-top. He is truly a rare talent who can get the most out of himself, as well as those around him.
The always popular Philip Seymour Hoffman continues his successful career. I was especially pleased to see him paired in scenes with Marisa Tomei (having enjoyed some of their scenes together in Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead).
And then there is Paul Giamatti, the actors who has portraying angst ridden characters down to a science. Another classic effort in this film.
Female Stars Great 4.0
Evan Rachel Wood is saucy and sweet as the young intern who happens to be the daughter of the DNC Chairman.
And of course there is Marisa Tomei, who can never ever do anything wrong in my book. Seriously, she does another fine job, albeit in a smaller role.
Female Costars Great 4.0
Male Costars Great 4.0
Very Good 3.5
Direction Great 4.0
I have to hand it to George. He did a good job with this film, never really allowing the momentum to slow, and capturing the feel of a large-scale presidential campaign.
Play Very Good 3.5
Music Good 3.0
Visuals Great 4.0
Risqué 2.4
Sex Titillating 2.3
sex is shown, but no nudity.
Violence Gentle 1.5
Rudeness Profane 3.4
The “F-Bomb” is very prevalent throughout the film.
Natural 1.0
Circumstantial Natural 1.0
Biological Natural 1.0
Physical Natural 1.0
Oct 25, 2011 9:01PM
Regarding BigdaddyDave’s Review |
Oct 24, 2011 7:32PM
Regarding BrianSez’s Review |

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