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BigdaddyDave's Review

Created Jul 19, 2011 08:35AM PST • Edited Jul 19, 2011 08:35AM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Good 3.0

    Trapped beneath a crushing boulder, Aron Ralston (James Franco) struggles to stay alive, work through hallucinations, escape, and find someone to rescue him in the movie 127 Hours. Ralston has to resort to self-amputation to escape his confinement, which many moviegoers found unsettling to watch, but as Wick noted in his fine assessment, was needed to keep the story going. In many ways, the highlight of this film is the ability to keep the viewers attention while watching a man in a confined space, not unlike the dilemma faced in the recent flick Buried. Projecting the hallucinations helps to give temporary reprieves from a confined space that seems to be inescapable.

    But, in the end, the movie left something to be desired. Yes, the story of his heroic perseverance is inspiring, and yes, the uniqueness of the film’s story-telling elements added spice to the plot. But in the end, it felt at time like it too was trapped, making me uncomfortable. I got to the point where I was thinking, "Just do it already.”

    A good movie, with great acting by Franco, and an inspiring story.

  3. Very Good 3.5

    James Franco does a brilliant job portraying the young and foolhardy thrill seeker, who arrogantly doesn’t tell people where he is going.

  4. Male Stars Very Good 3.5
  5. Female Stars Very Good 3.5
  6. Female Costars Very Good 3.5
  7. Male Costars Very Good 3.5
  8. Good 3.0
  9. Direction Good 3.0

    Danny Boyle’s upbeat direcytion helps to keep the action simmering in this film. Without his sometimes chaotic imagery, it could have easily become stuck in the mud.

  10. Play OK 2.5
  11. Music Good 3.0

    The use of electric guitar while cutting through nerves was a neat idea.

  12. Visuals Good 3.0
  13. Content
  14. Sordid 2.8
  15. Sex Innocent 1.4
  16. Violence Savage 3.6
  17. Rudeness Profane 3.3
  18. Natural 1.0
  19. Circumstantial Glib 1.1
  20. Biological Natural 1.0
  21. Physical Natural 1.0


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Jul 22, 2011 9:54PM

Regarding BrianSez’s Review
“non-stop riveting” Absolutely, Bri.

Jul 19, 2011 7:49PM

Regarding BigdaddyDave’s Review
“Just do it already.” Sounds like a Nike slogan, already.

Feb 14, 2011 9:59PM

Regarding MJ5K’s Review
I feel you MJ. While the movie didn’t affect me as deeply, I respect your take.